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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Fire Safety Tips

5/24/2024 (Permalink)

With the summer months quickly approaching, bringing in warmer weather and longer days, we must keep in mind there is an increased risk of house fires we must be aware of. As we all are eager to enjoy the hotter temperatures out in the yard grilling, with the bonfires roaring to roast all the delicious summer delectable. We must be mindful, with the increased use of outdoor equipment also comes increased fire hazards. It is vital that proper safety measures are taken, as a fire of any magnitude can cause an abrupt end to your summer festivities. Ensuring fire safety at your home is crucial in protecting your property and your loved ones. SERVPRO® has gathered some helpful tips to ensure you stay safe during this summer’s fire season.

  1. Maintenance
  • Yard maintenance is one of the most important factors in keeping your summer activities safe and accident free. Regularly clearing dead vegetation, dry leaves and any flammable materials from the yard will significantly decrease the risk of brush fires.
  • Regular landscaping can also assist in creating a defensible space around your home. By keeping trees and shrubbery trimmed you can enforce a barrier limiting potential fire spreading.
  1. Fire Pits and Grills
  • Placement of this equipment is key to keeping any backyard burn under control.

Always remember to position fire pits and grills at least 10 feet away from structures and flammable materials.

  • Fueling the fire pit or grill with the correct agent is vital to a safe experience. Always ensure your equipment is working properly and check for active leaks.
  • Controlling the size of the fire is an important factor in keeping the surroundings and your loved ones out of harm’s way. Always have water or a fire extinguisher readily available.
  1. Handling Flammable Materials
  • Storing flammable liquids such as lighter fluids and gasoline in approved containers away from living areas is essential. Keep these items in a well-ventilated garage or shed away from your living area.
  • Use flammable liquids with caution, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the safest results.
  • Fireworks contain highly combustible materials that must be handled with care. Always be sure to abide by your local firework regulations and only use fireworks legal to your area.
  • Creating a safety zone to light fireworks in a clear open area away from buildings, trees, and dry grass is recommended and will tremendously lower room for error.
  1. Smoke alarms and Fire Extinguishers
  • Smoke alarms play a key role in protecting your home from fires, as they will alert you of potential danger. Be sure you install smoke alarms throughout the entirety of your home, specifically near sleeping areas and the kitchen.
  • Regularly test your fire alarms to ensure they are functioning properly. It is recommended you test your alarms monthly and replace batteries annually.
  • Fire Extinguishers are vital to have in your home, specifically in the areas where meals are prepared. You will need to be informed as to how to properly use the extinguisher and when to have they maintenance or replaced.

Fire safety requires vigilance, it is important to stay proactive in your efforts of preventing fires this summer season. By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of fire damage to your home. However, if tragedy happens to strike your home this season rest assured knowing SERVPRO has you covered, as we respond, “faster to any size disaster.”

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