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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Classes of Contaminated Water

5/27/2024 (Permalink)

Category 2 water loss Category 2 water loss caused by recent flooding.

Water damage can be a dangerous experience for any homeowner, whether it is confined to one area in your home or spreads throughout the entire house. To keep yourself and your family safe it is vital that you understand the different types of contaminated water and the dangers they pose to you and your family. Water contamination can be caused by many different factors. The most common causes are sewage and dishwater, oil pollution, agricultural pollution, and radioactive substances. Contaminated water can easily spread disease causing viruses and bacteria and should be treated as hazardous material.

Classes of Contaminated Water

Category 1: Clean Water

This water originates from a clean source such as faucets, melting snow, water pipes or broken water supply lines. Category 1 water is considered safe, however if left untreated it can become harmful in as little as 24-48 hours. Untreated water damage can be affected by the environment’s contaminates and can cause toxic mold growth. This poses a threat as mold can cause serious damage to your home and health if left untreated. 

Category 2: Grey Water

Gray water comes from sources such as bathtubs, sinks, dishwashers, washing machines, and toilets. This water can contain harmful microorganisms and chemicals that can cause illness or discomfort. It is recommended that a professional do the cleanup to prevent health risks. A professional can properly clean and disinfect the area, which will significantly reduce your chance of falling ill.

Category 3: Black Water

This water can contain any number of harmful chemicals, bacteria, pathogens, and disease-causing organisms. There can be many sources of black water, the most common being sewage, floodwaters, any water containing fecal matter, and storm water. This water can cause severe health risks and should be treated as an emergency. You will need a professional company such as SERVPRO® to respond immediately to clean disinfect and remove any hazardous material.

Contaminated water can cause damage to both your home and your health. Any prolonged exposure to water can weaken the foundation of your home and deteriorate the materials that are responsible for keeping your property structurally sound. There are also health risks associated with untreated moisture in your home that can cause both temporary and long-term health problems. People can experience skin irritation, gastrointestinal problems, hepaticas or E. coli infections to name a few. 

The best thing to do when experiencing any kind of water damage in your home is to call professionals. Here at SERVPRO our technicians are trained to handle any size of disaster. We will do our due diligence to restore your home to its original condition and leave your property, “like it never even happened.”

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